How Can You know What Is Truth?

Perhaps more than ever in history it is more difficult to know what is truth. Did you know your mind doesn’t have a truth meter? There is no way you can know if a belief is absolutely true or not!

That assertion might shock you as you might think there are absolute truths and you know what is truth, however, your ability to determine truth lies at the core of the problem.

I recently watched an incredible movie on Amazon Prime titled, “A Prison on Earth.” It is all about how humanity has been deceived and manipulated throughout history into serving those in control.

For instance, did you know that 80% of the Grand Canyon is off limits to the public? The stated reason is safety concerns, but there are actually other underlying reasons. If you go back to journals from the late 1800s and early 1900s you will find amazing scientific articles about what was found in caves in the Grand Canyon. The finds included Egyptian and Buddhist artifacts, skeletons of giants, hundreds of mummies, and gold treasures.

Since most of these discoveries do not fit the conventionally taught narrative of our history, the academic community and Smithsonian Institute confiscated most of the artifacts and utilized government policies to make the cave system in the Grand Canyon off limits to the public.

While you may not agree with all the conclusions in Brad Olsen’s books (Modern Esoteric), they will at least get you thinking about how most of what we have been taught our entire lives has been concealed or distorted. If you don’t want his books you can look him up on YouTube.

Another source of information withheld from us is revealed in Michael Cremo’s book, Forbidden Archaeology.

Just because something sounds logical and a lot of people believe it, that is no guarantee it is true.

Is There Any Way to Know What is Truth?

Somebody posted this about a Facebook post I put up recently. “This is such crap. Parker I believed you to be smarter than this. Parker you suck. I can’t believe your this stupid.”

Of course, this person offered no explanation or proof of the claims. It is easier to attack and call names behind the anonymity of social media. This is a clear example of how a person’s attachment to beliefs precludes accepting clear facts even when they are factually presented.

This is typical of how a person reacts when hearing something outside of their belief system.

“The True Believer is a 1951 book by Eric Hoffer. When you read it you’ll think it was just written today. He states in his book that believers ignore or argue against truths that contradict their fervent beliefs.

No One Who Has Been Brainwashed Ever Believed They Were!

You believe what is truth because you think it is correct. That is essentially what a belief is, but there is no guarantee that your belief is true. You can accumulate data about it, but that doesn’t preclude something coming along to counter the belief.

It took me years to unravel many traditional beliefs I was attached to. Yes, I was brainwashed, but I did it to myself. I convinced myself that many things were absolutely true, only to figure out years later I duped myself. The way it happened to me is I was listening and reading what some people were dogmatically saying. When someone is convicted they are correct they can be very persuasive they are right. There are a lot of people like that posting on the Internet every day, and if you aren’t careful, you could end up brainwashing yourself. These people are called “Influencers” because they influence people to believe what they want you to believe…mostly to sell you something.

These days influencers are a big business so if they can use clever psychological techniques like repetition: saying the same thing over and over they can convince you they are right.

Every topic is susceptible to manipulating what is truth. This includes science, religion, history, psychology, politics, current events, and even relationship advice.

No one is immune to deception. It is not related to IQ, educational level, income status, political affiliation, or anything else you can think of except how open-minded you are. Me? I’ve come to categorize myself as an open-minded skeptic and it is because of all the deception we are continually exposed to I have had to take this position: I don’t believe or accept anything until I have absolute proof and even then I have to be careful because there are those in every field who have motives to deceive.

I’ve seen some refer to the esteemed N.A.S.A., the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, as Never A Straight Answer.

The brainwashing process is subtle yet powerful. Exposing yourself to certain beliefs over and over again, over time, can convince you certain explanations are truth.

Can Changing Your Beliefs Be Easy?

You might think deciding to change your mind would be a relatively easy thing to do.


The mind cannot tolerate being insecure or wrong, so it clings to established beliefs.

So your beliefs are like a lens through which every experience is interpreted.

You essentially live in a bubble filtered and colored by your beliefs.

Much of the time the need to believe what you think is truth overrides your ability to think logically about the evidence which is counter to your belief.

I see this everyday with social media posts from people who are brainwashed and/or ignorant of established verifiable facts dogmatically voicing their opinions not realizing they are not only exposing their ignorance, but also making fools of themselves in the eyes of others who have other information and who are equally as convinced they are right.

Beliefs are so strong that some people have accepted martyrdom for their erroneous beliefs. Such people are incapable of being persuaded by evidence and argument that their notions are in error.

Why are Most People so Vulnerable to Believe What Is False?

The mind is relentlessly driven to pursue more safety and security than what it currently experiences. One way it seeks security is by finding other people who have similar beliefs. There is a feeling of increased security if there is a group in agreement with the beliefs you value.

This is why many people seek out groups, clubs, and even religions.

One of the most challenging endeavors you can take is to question your cherished beliefs.

Is There An Approach to Find Out What is Truth?

One way to narrow down your positions on what is true is an ancient technique

You can apply this to your political views, your spiritual beliefs, your relationship beliefs, and even your beliefs about yourself.

Here is what to do: You relax and repeat basic questions and watch what the mind manufactures in response. Regardless of the answer, you affirm, “I am not that.”

This process has the effect of freeing you remarkably from being trapped by your own limited thinking.

Do You Want to Evolve?

The only way you will evolve is by ceasing to cling to where you are. Where you are is defined by your beliefs.

This will help get you started thinking about these matters, and I’d like you to start thinking about all of your own beliefs. Question everything. No matter what you read or hear say, “Maybe.” You will find this very liberating.

If you haven’t signed up for my Secret of Letting Go program, it is an excellent place to start.

Also, my two books, The Soul Solution, and Handbook for Enlightenment & Ascension will fill in a lot of gaps in your understanding of your life and spiritual evolution. My Handbook is now available as AudioBook, Hardcover, Soft Cover, and Kindle formats.



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