Self Hypnosis is the use of safe and natural consciousness-altering techniques to facilitate positive changes a person desires. The goal is to tap into the subconscious mind and make it more open to positive ideas or suggestions. The goal is to change a person’s conceptions or attitudes toward a troubling aspect of their life. Self
It’s no mystery that smoking is bad for you. With an estimated 45 million American smokers alone, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention considers smoking the number one preventable cause of disease and death in the US. The other thing that isn’t a mystery to most who smoke is that quitting is extremely difficult,
Hypnosis is one of the most useful tools for altering behavior, improving performances, and even positively affecting health. The hypnotic state is a natural state, and one which people enter into automatically at various times during the day. For this reason instant hypnosis is possible for nearly everyone. For instance, when you are gazing out