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The Secret of Letting Go

Original price was: $97.00.Current price is: $67.00.

Product contains mp3 files for download. We do not sell CD’s.

This remarkable process enables you to permanently remove your obstacles. Then I’ll show you how to attune to your Soul and we’ll work together to replace your old stories with new-enlightened ones. Open your Heart and live in ever-expanding love and intimacy to enrich your relationships and connect with the power of your Soul to be your inner healer and guide.

The Secret of Letting Go guides you through a deep release of the negative energetic programs that have you trapped and control your life. Once these have been identified and removed, you will take a quantum leap upward in your evolution. As your vibrational frequency rises it melts away ingrained limiting patterns.

Transform Low-Vibration Emotions, Blocks and Limitations

This remarkable process enables you to permanently remove your obstacles to wealth, opportunities, and fulfillment by dissolving things like:
• Fear and anxiety
• Guilt and worry
• Anger and resentment
• Depression and futility
• Criticism and blame

Then I’ll show you how to attune to your Soul and we’ll work together to replace your old stories with new-enlightened ones that include:
• Lasting inner confidence
• Profound love & deep peace
• Flow and synchronicity
• Core Soul Connection

Let me be your guide so I can show you how to:
• Open your Heart and live in ever-expanding love and intimacy to enrich your relationships
• Connect with the power of your Soul to be your inner healer and guide
• Deepen your trust in life so you feel safe like you’ve never known
• Open your intuition to guide you to know your next best step and destiny

The Secret of Letting Go breaks new ground in combining the best advances of  consciousness science into a practical, step-by-step process that will elevate your vibrational frequency and remove negative patterns. You will discover how to synchronize your life with the deepest source of freedom, happiness, and love that lives in your soul.

Program Contents

This program contains both audio and video files for each session

Session 1 - Discussion & Meditation:


Through surrendering you can let go of all the forces that are not producing answers to why your life isn’t working the way you want. If you have had any pain, difficulty, or disappointments in your past you need to know the effective way to surrender in order to heal it.

  • With this very first session you will move rapidly into an understanding of not only what to deeply let go and surrender, but you’ll be guided in how to do it
  • Session 1 contains the 11 critical mind-hooks that must be surrendered to break free
  • In addition to clearing the causes of problems with the surrender technique you’ll also initiate a shift in your consciousness to experience more love, happiness, and freedom
  • You’ll learn the most overlooked vital key essential for surrender to work effectively

Session 2 - Discussion & Meditation:


The ego operating inside of you is why you feel out-of-touch with your soul and spirit. It creates layers that filter and cloud your connection with the wonderful being you are inside. The ego is the underlying cause of guilt, anger, fear, depression, abandonment, and every other block and limitation you have

  • This session will help you eliminate negative forces and replace them with the highest awareness of your soul
  • Engage the crucial solution to break free from belief programs that limit you
  • You’ll be guided through 5 important components to dismantle the negative ego
  • I’ll help you connect to the power of your soul where you’ll experience life in a beautifully elevated state that is peaceful, spacious, loving, and radiant. Your experience will be living with an open-hearted lightness of being

Session 3 - Discussion & Meditation:


You will discover a way of living when you are guided to let go of every distraction and fragment of resistance. You’ll dissolve the power of old painful feelings, memories, and reactions as you erase the barrier to your enlightened self.

  • Discover how to live in synchronicity with the flow of life
  • Learn how to drop your painful stories, judgments, and misperceptions that torture you
  • Be gently guided to enter the realm where all is still and quiet as you mindfully settle into the peaceful now moment

Session 4 - Discussion & Meditation:


If you have been struggling with limiting patterns repeating in your life, your solution is to become an expert in surrender. When you are surrendered you open yourself to allow the universe to bring you every good thing.

  • The most powerful and liberating catalyst for inner transformation happens through deep surrender. In fact, liberation and freedom are not even possible without surrender—it is that important!
  • You'll free your mind's resistance to surrender
  • How you can avoid the pitfalls that prevent most people from effectively surrendering
  • Surrender reveals trust in the highest power and opens you to receive all good things. It’s the magical ingredient that opens the doors to the highest spiritual realizations and this session guides you in exactly the right way to do it
  • Learn the 5 vital keys to successfully surrendering to transform your life

Session 5 - Discussion & Meditation:


Karma is working on you right now, whether you believe in it or not, or whether you know anything about it or not. Karma is all the forces you have set in motion by your past thoughts and actions. Most of the karmic energies affecting you are held at a subconscious level. And you most likely don’t even know the majority of what those forces are.

  • The process in this session is vital for you to find and release all your negative patterns
  • You will release karma with friends, children, parents, and other relationships that need healing
  • You will also be guided to neutralize any negative factors that may be affecting your life and relationships today

Session 6 - Discussion & Meditation:


The spiritual path is a path of self-discovery, aligning, allowing, and receiving rather than doing. As you open to your soul you’ll grow clearer through letting go of every obstacle. And that leads to healing and a wonderfully fulfilling life.

  • This session guides you to align with your innate higher soul awareness
  • As your soul reflects through your heart, you’ll automatically unfold into greater peace, harmony, happiness, contentment, joy, and love
  • As you deepen your soul tuning alignment skills, you will attune yourself to deep peace, kindness, and blessings

Session 7 - Discussion & Meditation:


Few have realized the deep love in the core of their soul. You know it when it is present because it is a peaceful, creative, acceptant, and empowering presence. Your journey of self-discovery is about realizing soul love.

This guided session takes you to the deepest spiritual love which dissolves all suffering and struggling.

  • Discover how deep love is your key to a peaceful, creative, and transformational presence
  • Realize deep love and how it’s your key to your pathway home
  • This session opens your heart to grace, presence, and deep love

Session 8 - Discussion & Meditation:


You arrive at your very natural awakened state by becoming free from negative emotions and the mind’s need for being right, judging, analyzing, and being in control.

  • As you awaken, your mind settles, and the deep secrets in the soul emerge as the unity and oneness of all things is realized
  • You will discover that what is called the "enlightened" or "awakened mind" is actually your natural state of "being"
  • This session will guide you into the process of awakening to many of the classical states of enlightenment such as oneness, unconditional love, fulfillment, happiness, and deep peace


Life had a way of piling burdensome thoughts upon me to the point where I didn't even realize I was staggering under the weight of it all. That's where the systematic approach of The Secret of Letting Go really helped me. I'm not going to say that the course is easy! I had to take the time and make some effort, but even just showing up had benefits. Some of the talks required multiple listening sessions to get through to me. Sometimes, thoughts came up that were hard to deal with. But, I felt like this was the last time I would have to deal with those difficult thoughts because the meditation guided me through releasing them once and for all. This has been quite a relief and has had a subtle positive impact across the many realms of my existence. The result has been greater feelings of connection to my soul and a sense that I, too, can live from my heart. My life is happier and more creative, and my regular spiritual practice is stronger than ever. I would highly recommend this course to anyone who feels burdened by recurring thought patterns and is willing to make some effort. Thank you! Marika


"Wow, this is a great program. I felt guided by my Soul to do "The Secret of Letting Go.” I found big leaps in my progress in letting go and being free of a lot of survival needs and beliefs. The program was especially helpful with clearing fear/anxiety, closing down perceptions/abilities in survival protection like reactions, shame, blocks, stuckness, reactions, which were my challenges.

I experienced these benefits from doing this program: deep peace, more centered, Soul connected, a lot less reactive, more neutral, less judgmental, and a lot more at choice/sovereign. I cherish the 6th meditation, a part of module 6.

The program really helped with reducing the effects of the following needs from the ego/survival self: need for resistance / need to resist, need for fear, need for reactions, need for panic, need to survive, and much more

All of these needs were major obstacles for me and "The Secret of Letting Go" program helped me to clear all of these obstacles." -Eric, Ontario Canada

All of our audio programs come in mp3 format. The mp3 files are delivered in a zip folder to enable quicker downloading. In order to unzip these files directly to tablets and smartphones, you will need to install an app on your mobile device. Instructions are provided on the product download page. We do NOT sell CDs.