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Author’s Library

Original price was: $77.00.Current price is: $47.00.

Product contains mp3 files for download. We do not sell CD’s.

This program includes audible Affirmations and Subliminal programs (mountain stream format) providing a personal coach to keep you positively motivated all day. As you listen to Dr. Parker speaking to your conscious mind in the Audible Affirmation programs your subconscious mind will be storing the same subliminal success affirmations, because they are also subliminally embedded in the soothing environmental and musical background sounds.

As you listen to Dr. Parker speaking to your conscious mind in the Audible Affirmation programs your subconscious mind will be storing the same subliminal success affirmations, because they are also subliminally embedded in the soothing environmental and musical background sounds.

Program Includes Mind Talk & Subliminal

Read Full Descriptions Of Mind Talk & Subliminal Programming Below

Mind Talk - Program includes the power of audible + subliminal positive affirmations that are like your own personal 24-hour-a-day success coach.


The Mind Talk programs utilize multiple subconscious trigger techniques to positively conform all your inner beliefs and attitudes so you can manifest your highest dreams and desires.

While you are consciously being powerfully motivated to success with audible affirmations, your subconscious mind will be storing the same life-changing subliminal affirmations embedded in the soothing background sounds and beautiful music.

You can use these Mind Talk sessions while you are working, reading, exercising, relaxing or even while you are falling asleep.

The Mind Talk programs combine the natural process of inner self talk which you do all the time with multiple subconscious trigger techniques. The result is that now you have control over your own inner self talk, and you will activate your subconscious and superconscious mind to bring you the results you want!

Now with these Mind Talk programs you have control over your own self-talk so your subconscious mind power will bring you the results you want!

The Mind Talk programs provide you with a powerful motivational coach to keep you peaceful throughout the day. The subliminal affirmations are the same as the ones you are hearing audibly, but are embedded in the soothing music.

In this way both your conscious and subconscious minds are working to help you achieve your goals.

Listen to these programs every morning when you are getting ready for work or other activities, while you are eating, working, relaxing, exercising or anytime throughout the day.

You can even use the Mind Talk programs as sleep programming. Sleep learning is a powerful method of life-changing subconscious programming. Some electronic stores sell small inexpensive pillow speakers specifically designed for this purpose so you won’t disturb others, but you can use any player with the volume turned down low.

The more often you play these programs the better they work, so play them as much as possible.

Both first and second person affirmations are used for maximum receptivity. If the audible statements are in second person (you), the subliminal affirmations are in first person (I), and vice versa. You will feel so uplifted, positive, and happy listening to these Mind Talk programs.

Subliminal Programming - To make lasting improvements in your life, you must make changes at the subconscious level. This program is designed to do just that by imprinting the positive messages directly on your subconscious, with no interference or filtering from your conscious mind.


In order to make lasting improvements in your life, you must make changes at the subconscious level. Our subliminal programs are designed to do just that by imprinting the positive messages directly on your subconscious, with no interference or filtering from your conscious mind.

The subliminal messages bypass any conscious or subconscious mental resistance you might have, and work directly to reprogram your mind with the thoughts, beliefs and attitudes you want. Subliminal programs can be listened to while you are doing just about any other activity.

The male and female voiced messages on this program have been specially processed to deliver a high saturation of up to 5,000 clear messages per hour. The strong, clear messages were recorded just slightly below the music or environmental sounds using our proprietary computer processor, ensuring the strongest saturation of subliminal messages.

Each message is embedded so precisely that you don’t consciously hear them, yet they are well within the range of normal hearing to strongly register on your brain.

Play the subliminal programs softly in the background any time day or night, because the more you listen the greater the effect.

Each title below represents 2 programs. One has audible + subliminal affirmations and the second has all subliminal affirmations.

Affirmations below are samples only. Each program contains many, many more affirmations.

WriteMagik—Masterful Creative Writing: Sample Affirmations:

I have a great fertile imagination. Creative word choices come easily to me. I create vivid and imaginative scenes. My characters are clearly well-defined.  Plus many more.

Imagination Explosion—Prolific Writing Talent Sample Affirmations:

My mind is like a flowing river of ideas. I write every day. Creative word choices come easily to me. I am a prolific writer.  Plus many more.

Masterful Story Telling—Writing Great Fiction Sample Affirmations:

I devise suspense and mystery in my stories. My characters are interesting and strong. I create clever story twists. I skillfully bridge my story together with smooth transitions.  Plus many more.

Vocabulary Plus—Develop Powerful Word Skills Sample Affirmations:

I remember words I read, hear and see. I have a natural ability to learn words quickly. I express myself with flowing fluency. I understand and remember words. The above affirmations are samples only.  Plus many more.

All of our audio programs come in mp3 format. The mp3 files are delivered in a zip folder to enable quicker downloading. In order to unzip these files directly to tablets and smartphones, you will need to install an app on your mobile device. Instructions are provided on the product download page. We do NOT sell CDs.