Best Seller – Successful at Sales


Product contains mp3 files for download. We do not sell CD’s.

Everyone in sales needs the power of their subconscious working for them, and with Best Seller you’ll soar to the top of your field and have fun doing it! You will activate an automatic subconscious style that is so natural, dynamic, and effective that it will make you a winner.

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Whether you are new to selling or are a seasoned professional,
this program can bring you rich, lucrative & exciting rewards.

You will activate an automatic subconscious style that is so natural, dynamic, and effective that it will make you a winner.

Everyone in sales needs the power of their subconscious working for them, and with Best Seller you’ll soar to the top of your field and have fun doing it!

VISUALIZATIONS: Mind science now knows you will become what you visualize and imagine yourself becoming. These life-rescripting guided imagery session transport you into transformational dimensions. Imagine settling naturally into an ultimate state of peaceful serenity that increases clarity of thought, creative abilities, heightened perceptiveness, quicker problem resolution, and more peace of mind. Incredible interactive soundscapes are created using multiple audio layering techniques, music and special sound effects.

These visualizations bring an added dimension to the already scientifically established benefits of relaxation and positive programming. You will be automatically escorted to such a comfortable deeply relaxed state that most people say they never felt so peaceful. This would be reason enough to use these programs, but while you are in this beautiful state, you are guided with specific, high response imagery techniques and language-sequence patterns that access whole-brain learning at profoundly deep levels.

Mind Talk® AUDIBLE AFFIRMATIONS: You get a penetrating combination of both audible and subliminal affirmations that take advantage of one of the major keys to the mind—its responsiveness to repetition—that’s usually how the negative, self-defeating messages got in there in the first place!

Now, with these programs you can counteract the negative effects of your past. A varied selection of beautiful music accompanies the affirmations. The Mind Talk Audible Affirmation programs contain the reassuring voice of Dr. Parker’s positive, always loving, confidence-activating affirmations giving you the edge for happiness and success. Use these programs in the morning as you get ready, in the car, or while you go about your work during the day. You may also play these programs at night as sleep learning programs and wake up a renewed person.


Tracks 1-4: YOUR MAGICAL MIND–Discover Your Inner Powers
This audio program of innovative information reveals the inner powers of the mind to bring about success. You’ll discover how it works and how you can engage it to work for you, and not against you.

Visualization & Mind Talk Audible Affirmations

Track 5: BEST SELLER–Super Sales Power! – Visualization
Track 6: BEST SELLER–Super Sales Power! – Metaphor Visualization
The second visualization for each title is a metaphor visualization that is best listened to with headphones because they contain an extraordinary process of mental programming. In your right ear you hear a simple story with rich symbolic images that make your subconscious mind receptive to the affirming outcomes you are hearing in your left ear. You do NOT need to follow the stories—just let your mind relax and absorb the program at a subconscious level. One track is purposely recorded at a lower volume than the other.

Track 7: BEST SELLER–Super Sales Power! Mind Talk Affirmations

Track 8: SUCCESS CHAMPION– Be A Power Person – Visualization
Track 9: SUCCESS CHAMPION– Be A Power Person –Metaphor Visualization
Track 10: SUCCESS CHAMPION– Be A Power Person! Affirmations

Track 11: MORE TIME–MANAGE & CONTROL YOUR TIME – Visualization
Track 12: MORE TIME–Metaphor Visualization

Track 15: DISINTEGRATE FEAR OF REJECTION – Metaphor Visualization

Track 17: OPTIMISM POWER–Empowering Positive Attitudes–Visualization
Track 18: OPTIMISM POWER–Empowering Positive Attitudes–Metaphor Visualization
Track 19: OPTIMISM POWER–Empowering Positive Attitudes–Mind Talk Affirmations

Track 20: SUCCESSFUL SALES–Mind Talk Affirmations (Male & Female Voices)
Track 21: SUCCESSFUL SALES–Mind Talk Affirmations 2 (Male & Female Voices)

Subliminal Mind Power To Change Your Life - Super Sales Power!

Now changing your life is as easy as listening to the program. How? Subliminally embedded in the music and environmental sounds are the most life-changing programs ever! You'll want to listen for the music and environmental sounds alone, but in addition to your listening pleasure you will also receive safe, positive messages at a subliminal level.

In order to make lasting improvements in your life, you must make changes at the subconscious level. This program is designed to do just that by imprinting the positive messages directly on your subconscious, with no interference or filtering from your conscious mind.

The subliminal messages bypass any conscious or subconscious mental resistance you might have, and work directly to reprogram your mind with the thoughts, beliefs and attitudes you want. Subliminal programs can be listened to while you are doing just about any other activity.

What Makes This Subliminal Program Different

The male and female voiced messages on this program have been specially processed to deliver a high saturation of up to 5,000 clear messages per hour.The strong, clear messages were recorded just slightly below the music using our custom-designed computer processor, insuring the strongest saturation of subliminal messages.

Each message is embedded in the music or environmental sounds so precisely that you don't consciously hear it, yet it is well within the range of normal hearing to strongly register on the brain. Because of our high saturation of subliminal messages you may occasionally hear some of the affirmations slightly bleeding through the musical formats. This is your assurance that you are getting strong subliminal messages in this recording. Play this program softly in the background any time day or night, because the more you listen the greater the effect. Each message is repeated many times in the subliminal program.

Track 22: SUCCESSFUL SALES–Subliminal Contemporary Rhythms 1
Track 23: SUCCESSFUL SALES–Subliminal Contemporary Rhythms 2
Track 24: SUCCESSFUL SALES–Subliminal Tropical Ocean

Sample Subliminal Messages: I appreciate all my successes • I deserve success • I am ready for successful sales • Things go my way in life • I expect good things • I accept success in my life • I can sell successfully • My efforts bring rich rewards • Others are naturally drawn to me • I am able to be a top producer • People seek me out to do business • I release all blocks to success • I am totally relaxed and confident • People respond positively to me • I powerfully attract customers • Reaching sales goals is easy for me • My business is easy for me • I see myself selling successfully • People want to buy from me • I like people • Plus Many More!

Best Seller is the best tool to take you to the top of your field by engaging your subconscious mind power to work for you...automatically!

All of our audio programs come in mp3 format. The mp3 files are delivered in a zip folder to enable quicker downloading. In order to unzip these files directly to tablets and smartphones, you will need to install an app on your mobile device. Instructions are provided on the product download page. We do NOT sell CDs.