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Energy Self Mastery for Spiritual Awakening

Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $497.00.

Product contains mp3 files for download. We do not sell CD’s.

During this 8-week interactive curriculum, you will unlock the secrets around subtle energy patterns.  Once you understand what they are and how they work, you will be guided to systematically remove negative subtle energy patterns and replace them with an attractor field of empowered inspiration, fulfilling happiness, automatic abundance, and spiritual breakthroughs.

Open the Gateway to Deep Spiritual Revelations, Abundance and Lasting Joy

Apply my Total Transformation Release Process™ to clear yourself of harmful energetic patterns effecting your mood, emotions, motivation, aspirations and beliefs

"Soulful" Management of Your Energy Leads to a Quantum Improvement in Quality of Life

You have been culturally hypnotized to think of yourself as flesh, bones, atoms, and cells. Somehow, society as a whole has ignored Einstein’s discovery!

People tend to forget about their layers of vibrating energy…the key to complete transformation! I would like to show you how to use this key to unlock the most dramatic transformation of your life.

I have spent over 4 decades studying energy and in my new course, Energy Self Mastery for Spiritual Awakening, I will show you how to apply my proven Self-Mastery techniques to transform your life from the inside out.

You will systematically eliminate negative energetic programs and be introduced to the wisdom and guidance of your soul.

Clear "Negative" Energy Using the Total Transformation Release Process™

I have discovered a way to permanently eliminate these unhealthy energy patterns from your energy field and life… forever.

You’ve heard that affirmations, visualizations, and meditation are the answers to get what you want in life. But, what you don’t realize is that you can spend hours and hours doing these things only to end up energizing the very things you DON’T want.

Does that surprise you?

The truth is, removing your subtle energy patterns is the key to a total transformation both internally and externally.

I am going to take you by the hand step-by-step through the discovery and clearing process and show you how to:

  • Open your pineal gland to help you discover your deepest states of intuition, intelligence and spiritual enlightenment
  • Discover how to explore, cleanse, and strengthen your aura and the aura of loved-ones to generate a positive energy field
  • Clear your subconscious mind of predominant sabotaging thoughts and emotions
  • Use the 4 methods to dissolve repeating mental loops to end the mental chatter today

Together I will guide you to locate and clear hidden energy patterns at every level.

You'll be amazed what happens to you when you clear your...

  • Ancestral Energy Patterns
  • Karma
  • Past Lives
  • Inner Child Issues
  • Belief Patterns
  • Contracts & Unspoken Agreements
  • Debts and Obligations from Your Past
  • Emotional Reactions
  • Energy Hooks
  • Negative Pictures
  • Painful Memories
  • Subconscious Blocks

Wealth, happiness, satisfaction and the spiritual breakthroughs you have always wanted will appear….almost magically!

You may have thought that is nearly impossible for you or it is only for those born under the right star. But I'm here to tell you that today, such a life is much closer for you than it’s ever been before.

In the past, only the most dedicated seekers have found the secrets to permanently clear discordant energy patterns. But now The Energy Self-Mastery Course gives you all the tools you need.

Program Contents

The 8-week Energy Self-Mastery for Spiritual Awakening curriculum is divided into 8 convenient modules and includes 44 interactive multimedia videos with training and hands-on guidance to help you!

Module 1: Subtle Energy Discoveries

You begin your transformational journey with learning how to break free from the forces freezing you in limitations. You’ll be guided with unique tools for Transformational Energy Self-Mastery that you can use for the rest of your life.

In Module #1 You Will Learn How To:

  • Utilize clearing techniques that work on you, on your loved ones, and even on your pets that help resolve emotional and health issues
  • Find, locate, and release your subtle energy patterns that hold you back from achieving the health & well-being you want
  • Clear obstacles to psychic abilities so your intuition can increase your good luck and success
  • How to measure your progress to keep you inspired every day
  • Be centered and strongly grounded for increased mental clarity and focus
  • 6 very specific practices to help you permanently clear negative issues so they never return
  • What to do when people are criticizing or attacking you

The Flow of Clearing Energy. Everything in the universe is energy, and we have accumulated many different types of energies over many lifetimes that create and attract people and circumstances to us. These energy formations attach themselves to us and collect in various parts of our bodies. This meditation process helps you release anything stuck in your aura or body. Directing a flow of clearing energy is a powerful technique for clearing you.

Module 2: Clearing Obstacles

You will explore how your mental, emotional, and spiritual life is affected by fragmented energy in your auric field, and how to tune into, know, and feel your soul’s healing presence deeply.

In Module #2 You Will Learn How To:

  • Reclaim your lifeforce energy to not only conquer fatigue and re-energize you, but also for sharp mental abilities and heightened perception
  • Clear meditation obstacles for breakthroughs in enlightened consciousness and high realizations
  • Eliminate all energy cords people have thrown at you or hooked you with, or used to control you
  • Create a clear intuitive and psychic channel to feel deeply connected to spirit for wisdom and inspired guidance
  • Dissolve self-doubt and self-critical thoughts and feelings that have undermined your best efforts and intentions
  • Neutralize the 3 main components of the negative ego

Third Eye Opening to Receive Clear Psychic Insights. Being psychic and intuitive really helps you to understand the soul and enables you to attune to high levels of consciousness and hold it. You can then clear blocks, limiting beliefs, and emotional reactions so they can’t ever re-emerge and dominate your life.

Module 3: Opening Inner Guidance

Look forward to discovering and removing all the limiting programs you carry in all 7 of your aura layers. This is where you will eliminate the subtle-energy causes of insecurity, health issues, and financial blocks.

In Module #3 You Will Learn How To:

  • Receive clear inner guidance from your Higher Self on your purpose and passions
  • Abolish armoring that limits and pushes relationships away
  • Prevent attracting negative people
  • Erase troubling emotions and stubborn patterns
  • Open your heart and crown chakras for living an enlightened life

Explore Your Aura Layers. Guided sessions take you into explorations of each of your 7 aura layers and the physical, emotional, and spiritual issues associated with each layer. You will address issues from childhood, rejection, betrayal, love, self-worth, self-confidence, life purpose, relationships, beliefs, fear, anxiety, grief, sadness, blocks to enlightenment, and techniques on how to clear them.

Module 4: Spiritual Empowerment

Finally feel what it is like to live a brighter, happier, more inspiring life. Imagine what it will be like to live connected with your soul and spirit in peace, confidence, and trust.

In Module #4 You Will Learn How To:

  • Discover how your energy can fragment so you can recapture lost energy to increase health, mental clarity, and activate your creative juices
  • Understand the 7 ways your analytical mind obstructs your life and how to master it
  • Remove disturbing thoughts and feelings
  • Shift, clear, and stabilize your life with 4 techniques in less than 1 minute
  • Clear the effects of past-life karmic contracts and agreements
  • Understand and clear distracting pictures, programs, and symbols that come up in your mind
  • Techniques to attain calm, clear, and quiet
  • Revitalize when you feel fatigued and drained of energy
  • Find answers to 10 critical questions that will lead to your next evolutionary breakthrough

Clear Your Over-Active Mind. You’ll discover the main obstacle to your spiritual awakening, and explore how it has affected your life, as you are guided through a powerful clearing process of analytical, questioning, and doubting mental programs.
Deep Inner Listening. Receive clear guidance with a deep inner listening session. Immerse yourself in the timeless dimensions that open you to spiritual awakenings that bring contentment, unconditional love, and deep inner peace each and every day of your life.

Module 5: Spiritual Healing

You have a purpose to fulfill in your lifetime but to do so you must have mastery over the subtle energies you carry with you. Why? Because they hold the programming that limits you and keeps you stuck. The healing methods in this module are crucial to empowering you to step into your mastery.

In Module #5 You Will Learn How To:

  • Interpret and process intuitive impressions, energy programs and blocks
  • Understand the relationship between clearing and healing, and how to apply release techniques to break free from chaos and suffering and enter states of serenity and grace
  • Handle distractions, uncomfortable sensations, and losing focus during meditation
  • Determine levels of consciousness and how they affect healing and clearing
  • Find and eliminate the causes of struggles, lack, and problems
  • Use 8 methods to insure you are alert and aware during meditations
  • Ask 5 questions to successfully treat underlying causes of all things negative
  • Interpret and understand messages received during meditations

Clearing and Healing Release Session. You are guided to determine the nature and characteristics of what is causing blockages and negativity, and then systematically be led to clearing the core causes. You will apply numerous techniques to discover and eliminate the source of what is not letting you move forward with your life whether it is health, money, love, relationships, or spiritual goals.

Module 6: Soul Alignment

From the moment you fully step into the transformational power of your soul, you will see fast and permanent results. Your soul is the key to the depth of your transformation and the accelerating force in attaining enlightenment realizations. Once you experience that, a whole new life opens before your very eyes. Alignment and integration of your soul is your master key to ascension.

In Module #6 You Will Learn How To:

  • Open and explore your heart chakra to deepen into the reality of the love and light that fills you in your soul’s core
  • Use specific techniques to clear stuck and blocked energy in the heart center
  • Correctly apply forgiveness to clear and dissolve the causes of resentment, anger, guilt and blame
  • Reveal your hidden issues and clear them

Regression and Return to Source. Explore the forces at play in your life through a past-life regression, and ascend in meditation to merge with your transcendent spiritual Source. This is one of the favorite ascension sessions that reveals deep realizations.

Soul Alignment Healing and Clearing. This healing process will align you with the deepest aspect of your soul enabling quantum shifts in consciousness. The process works much more rapidly than conventional processes common to other forms of therapy.

Deep Forgiveness of Yourself and Others. This guided meditation leads you step-by-step with a deeply effective forgiveness process engaging the precise wording of your forgiveness intentions. This meditation is a most powerfully liberating process that brings clearing and comfort to your heart. You will be embraced by the mercy, compassion, and kindness of your very soul.

Module 7: Accelerate Your Spiritual Evolution

Everyone has been affected by thousands of years of collective human conditioning through layers of false information, faulty conclusions, and distorted beliefs. While they keep the majority deluded through these illusions and myths, if you are brave enough, ready enough, and committed enough you can step out of the mental, emotional, and spiritual traps that have held you captive.

In Module #7 You Will Learn How To:

  • Clear your visual attunement to draw out your hidden spiritual gifts so you can assess subtle energy patterns and even read the future to guide your decisions
  • Move beyond conventional therapy models to remove blocks to healing and clearing
  • Elevate your consciousness and work with spirit guides
  • Techniques for enhancing 3rd eye clarity to harness your intuition and clairvoyance
  • Go beyond visualization, affirmations, or hypnosis to clear the blueprints driving your life in the limiting directions it has been going
  • Uncover 7 reasons issues repeat and are difficult to eliminate and put an end to them once and for all

Healing with Spirit. Experience an exciting and powerful guided session with angels, masters, spirit guides, and archetypes that will open surprising new doors even for experienced meditators.

Clearing the Layers. Our spiritual path is an inward journey through many layers of hidden traits and masks which are like filters covering our soul. In this meditation you will be guided to dive deep into the energy layers to reach enlightened states of consciousness.

Module 8: Breakthroughs to Mastery

The villains in your life have sabotaged your relationships, undermined your financial goals, drained your health, and created frustrating barriers to the spiritually enlightened life you have long sought for. Far beyond the “why” and “what” you have found before the Energy Self Mastery Course, you are lead through the proven methods that clears your slate of the negative forces.

You can sustain enlightened states of consciousness only by becoming clear. This is the one area where many on a spiritual path have faltered. In this module you will be guided step-by-step to address and clear physical issues, emotional issues, relationship issues, conditions of lack, struggle, suffering, or disappointment.

In Module #8 You Will Learn How To:

  • Clear energies of people who invade your space to control and manipulate you
  • Refine and elevate your inner listening skills to access the portals to spiritual presence and guidance
  • Stay clear when you are around a lot of negative people and maintain peacefulness and clarity
  • Apply a safe new type of channeling for higher information and guidance on decisions
  • Determine the sources of the unending distracting thoughts that continually go through your mind so you will know how to clear them

Deep Soul Clearing. During this unique session, you’ll move through each necessary step in a soul-clearing process that leads you to discover the causes of every type of pain, struggle, block, emotion, or suffering. Including deep beliefs and thoughts that underlie your feelings and physical symptoms. Then you will form a deep and strong soul integration to merge its love, light and healing all through you.

Praise for Jonathan Parker

Jonathan's work as a spiritual counselor and his latest book, The Soul Solution have been recognized by many leaders in the self-awareness field.

Illumined by direct experience, Jonathan Parker takes us on a deep exploration of the soul, demonstrating a remarkable convergence with the profound spiritual states of consciousness reported across centuries and cultures…

Michael Bernard Beckwith,author of “Spiritual Liberation”

Deep within each individual is a source of wisdom that can help us lead a fulfilled, joyful life.  Jonathan Parker’s The Soul Solution is a practical guide to accessing this glorious dimension in our desire to lead a meaningful existence.

Larry Dossey, MD,author of “Healing Words”

...All of us need to cultivate our connection with our soul. The Soul Solution offers us a superb path to integrate the wisdom of our soul with our individual life path, allowing stressful issues to be, as Jonathan Parker writes, ‘dissolved by the Soul’.

Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.,Professor of Energy Medicine

The Soul Solution is a beautiful, heartfelt, clear, wonderful guide to resolving our problems and challenges in life. Jonathan Parker shows us that the solution is simple, something everyone can do. I highly recommend this book to everyone on the entire planet.

Marc Allen, author of “The Greatest Secret of All”

All of our audio programs come in mp3 format. The mp3 files are delivered in a zip folder to enable quicker downloading. In order to unzip these files directly to tablets and smartphones, you will need to install an app on your mobile device. Instructions are provided on the product download page. We do NOT sell CDs.