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14-Day Quick Self-Clearing

Original price was: $47.00.Current price is: $17.00.

Product contains mp3 files for download. We do not sell CD’s.

The Quick Self-Clearing System is your catalyst for awakening to the highest, most noble part of yourself, your soul. When you awaken to your soul you will discover new intuitive abilities developing within you. Situations and people won’t upset you so much and you’ll automatically become more open to peace, love, patience, kindness, generosity, and other virtues. This is a mini-course for busy people to clear core wounds and connect to the Soul.

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Your soul is the secret to a fulfilled life, and it is what manifests all the wonderful qualities that you could ever desire.  By feeling connected with your soul it is possible to bring these qualities into your everyday experience, while at the same time initiating a process that dissolves everything you don’t want.

Living from your soul results in a healing and transformation of all your relationships, and this results in a peaceful, fulfilling, and loving experience.

What to Do About the Forces Blocking You…

What interferes with experiencing your soul on a continuous basis are the many filters through which you experience life. These comprise your personality, which is like an overlay that masks the true reality of your soul. And yet these overlays or identities are so compelling that you convince yourself they are who you are and you lose touch with your deeper reality.

During this 14-day program you will explore and release the forces that have held you back, and open you to a deeper spiritual relationship as you integrate your soul into your everyday life. Each day you will be led through a meditative process specifically designed to eliminate obstacles and nurture a deepening soul connection.

Program Contents

Day 1 - How to Access Your Soul

Today you begin connecting with your soul and discover the soothing and healing qualities that will begin to emerge. You’ll be given a method to access your soul throughout the day.

Day 2 - Clearing Your First Obstacle

Introduction to the 4 Core Issues that are obstacles to living from your soul. You will address the core of fear in one of the forms it shows up in your life such as worry, guilt, doubt, anxiety, insecurity, or others, and, most importantly, you’ll be guided in a way to release it.

Day 3 - Merging Your Soul Into Fear for Deep Clearing

Your soul is intelligent and knows how to neutralize fear and bring about healing and guidance to your life. Today’s practice makes use of specific prayerful intentions. These are sincere statements which help you merge with the highest aspects of the soul’s light and presence. This in turn brings the soul’s radiant healing energy all through you.

Day 4 - Soul Integration for Transformation

You only need to point your soul to the block, need, pain or lack by being in touch with the issue and asking to soul to merge into it. Your soul knows what to do to neutralize negative energy and how to do it. In today’s challenge you will utilize a method of “soul tuning” to integrate the soul into any negative or limiting patterns in your life.

Day 5 - Soul Clearing of Anger & Resentment Obstacles

Anger comes in many forms and can be a damaging and limiting force in your life. It clouds issues, alienates people, and may also negatively affect your health. Anger can appear as resentment, hatred, grudges, blame, revenge, temper, or Intolerance. Today’s challenge will help you clear the causes and results of this destructive emotion.

Day 6 - Merging Your Soul Into Anger For Deep Clearing

For today’s challenge you will continue deepening your soul awareness through your heart center and merge it into your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings of anger in any of its forms. This process neutralizes and dissolves anger at its core.

Day 7 - Deepening Soul Integration Through Core Anger

A big key to tapping into the benefits the soul offers is by putting your attention on it, calling to it, and you will find it naturally emerges more and more into your everyday experience. Today’s challenge is to be mindful of any upsetting reactions and integrate the soul deeply and directly into the upsetting energies to dissolve them.

Day 8 - Soul Clearing of Abandonment Obstacles

You triggered your abandonment core issue if you have ever thought any of the following: I am Unlovable, I Feel Unworthy, I’m Not Good Enough, I’m Unimportant, I feel Alone, Something Feels Missing, or I am Unwanted. In today’s challenge you will check in with yourself and identify any of these memories, and then tap into your soul to eliminate them.

Day 9 - Merging Your Soul into Abandonment

The soul merge process is an important key to your transformation because it initiates clearing and healing from deep inside where all issues are rooted. Today’s challenge is to identify and neutralize any effects abandonment has had on your life.

Day 10 - Deepening Soul Integration into Abandonment

For today’s challenge you’ll be bringing to mind any memories of incidents and the people involved who triggered an abandonment reaction in you. This could include such feelings as being disconnected, isolated, cut off, alone, unworthy, or rejected. Activate the power of intention to connect with the soul and have it integrate and dissolve the patterns.

Day 11 - Soul Clearing of Futility & Discouragement Obstacles

Futility may appear as victimization, thoughts of not being good enough, feeling defeated, trapped, powerless, or hopeless. In today’s challenge you will check in with yourself and identify any of these thoughts and feelings, and then bring your soul’s presence to eliminate them.

Day 12 - Merging Your Soul to Clear Futility & Discouragement

Your soul is your greatest resource for healing and transformation. Once you identify the thoughts, beliefs, and feelings that are not originating from your soul, you can ask your soul to merge into those feelings and neutralize them. Today’s challenge is to deepen your soul’s presence into any elements of futility or discouragement.

Day 13 - Deepening Soul Integration Through Futility & Discouragement

Your soul is your great neutralizer of negative forces. It helps you to be in a more peaceful and understanding place where you can positively address ways to improve conditions. It also raises the frequency of the attraction field of your consciousness so your life runs more smoothly. Today’s challenge is to integrate your soul more deeply into anything disturbing that has created futility or discouragement.

Day 14 - Celebrate & Integrate Your Soul

Your soul is the real person underneath the distractions, struggling, suffering and pain. It is the golden key to clearing and enlightenment and discovering you are an incredibly beautiful, happy, and radiant being. Today’s challenge will deepen your experience of your soul’s presence and the love, light, and healing that lives in your heart.

All of our audio programs come in mp3 format. The mp3 files are delivered in a zip folder to enable quicker downloading. In order to unzip these files directly to tablets and smartphones, you will need to install an app on your mobile device. Instructions are provided on the product download page. We do NOT sell CDs.