Hypnosis is one of the most useful tools for altering behavior, improving performances, and even positively affecting health. The hypnotic state is a natural state, and one which people enter into automatically at various times during the day. For this reason instant hypnosis is possible for nearly everyone.

For instance, when you are gazing out the window watching a gentle rain, or listening to soothing and peaceful music, or watching a movie, it is natural to enter a light state of hypnosis. In most cases you aren’t even aware this has taken place but in this state your brain waves slow down, you feel very comfortable and relaxed, and you can be very absorbed in what you are doing.

Hypnosis is generally regarded as an altered state of consciousness somewhere between wakefulness and sleep. It has three most notable characteristics:

1. An increased focus and concentration.
2. Increased relaxation in the body.
3. Increased access to the subconscious mind.

Instant Hypnosis Technique #1

Sometimes a Simple Suggestion is Sufficient

One hypnotherapist told me that one instant hypnosis technique he often used is to simply tell the client to sit comfortably, close his eyes, and enter a state of hypnosis. When they feel they have done that, to let the therapist know they have entered a light trance. He said it works that easily for many of his clients.

Instant Hypnosis Technique #2

The One-Second Handshake Technique

Another famous hypnotherapist I knew claimed to have the quickest instant hypnosis technique of all. He would reach his hand out as if to shake hands with the client and pull the client sharply toward him while forcefully saying the word “sleep.” I saw this hypnotherapist do this to 30 people one after another who were standing in a line, and everyone claimed to have gone into a hypnotic state. This technique simultaneously makes use of two different methods of inducing instant hypnosis: moving the client off balance and forcefully saying the word “sleep.” I’ve also seen people instantly put in hypnosis merely by the therapist saying, “sleep now” quite loudly.

Instant Hypnosis Technique #3

The Falling Backward Method

This is another variation on the instant hypnosis technique that makes use of pulling a person off balance, but this time instead of pulling the client forward as with the handshake technique, you have the client tip slightly backwards. When a person moves slightly off balance it can put a person into a light trance. This can be done in less than one minute. Here are the simple steps:

A. Ask the client to stand with his feet together and arms hanging loosely. As in all testing procedures, explain each step before moving onto the next one. Tell the client that you’re going to check his relaxation reflexes.

B. Stand directly behind the client and gently place both hands on his shoulders. Stand close enough to control the fall, but not close enough to let the subject think he will be falling right on you. If you place one foot slightly in front of the other you will be properly balanced to hold the falling weight of the person at least twice your own size. Explain to the client that this is merely a “trial run.”

Ask client to relax and explain that you will be pulling him back a few inches only. At this point emphasize that you will not let him fall. Ask the client to remain relaxed and bend his body only at the ankles and not at the waist or the knees.

C. With your hands still on the client shoulders, ask the client to close his eyes, and pull him back a very few inches. Only two or three inches is sufficient. Do not jar or force, but allow him to gently tip slightly backward and then rock him forward. Keep your hands firmly on the shoulders and stand the client upright again making sure he has regained his balance.

D. If the client seems relaxed go to the next step. If not, assure the client that he has done well, and repeat the previous step once again to make certain the client knows what to expect. You may find that certain nervous clients might require several attempts before they’re comfortable.

E. Now you may have the client sit and you can use deepening techniques and proceed with the hypnosis session. Something as simple as saying, “move deeper and deeper into hypnosis” can progress the client into a deeper state. You can repeat this a few times. Another method is to utilize the eyes shut test of suggestibility.

How to Keep the Eyes from Opening

This simple test will confirm to you and your client that a state of hypnosis has beeen attained. With the subject sitting comfortably in a chair say the following:

1. “Your eyes are very heavy and completely relaxed. All the muscles around your eyes are relaxed and your eyelids are very heavy.”

2. “On the count of three and not before, I will ask you to open your eyes, but you will not be able to open them. You are so relaxed and your eyelids are so heavy that you won’t be able to open them…even when you try.”

3. “Your eyelids are completely relaxed. Your eyes are completely relaxed and closed.”

4. “One. Your eyes are closed; completely closed. Relax your eyelids to the point that you cannot open your eyes if you try.”

5. Two. You cannot open your eyes.”

6. “Three. Your eyes are tightly closed. Try opening them. You cannot open them. Now stop trying, and relax. Completely relax. Let your eyes and your entire body relax.”

Don’t allow too much time for the client to try opening his eyes. A second or two will feel quite long to keep your eyes tightly shut. If the client is allowed too much time, he will eventually force his eyes open and immediately think that he cannot be hypnotized and has failed the test.

If the subject does open his eyes tell him that he simply did not relax his eyes to the point where he could not open them. Then repeat the entire test allowing the client to get it right.

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